Before you call for service...
Problem Possible Causes What To Do
Dishes don't dry Low inlet water • Hake sure inletwater temperature isat least 120°E
temperature • SelectHEATEDDRY.
• Selecta higher cycle, such as POTS& PANSor HEAVYWASH.
Rinseagent dispenser • Checkthe rinseagent dispenser and fill as required.
is emptg
Dishes and flatware Inlet water temperature • Raisethe water heater temperature to 120°R
not clean is below 120°F. • Use HOTSTART,POTS& PANSor HEAVYWASHand HI TEMPWASH.
Too little detergent • SeeUsingthe dishwasher section, refer to Proper Useof Detergentfor
detergent recommendations.
Old or damp powdered • SeeUsingthe dishwashersection, refer to Proper Useof Detergentfor
detergent detergent recommendations.
Water pressure is • Turn on a faucet. Iswater coming out more slowlg than usual?If so,
temporarilg low wait until pressureis normal before using gout dishwasher
Air gap is clogged • Clean the air gap.
0mproperrack loading • Hake surelarge dishware does not blockdetergent dispenseror wash arm.
No air gap or high .Verify that you have an air gap ora high drain loop. Referto
drain loop the Installation Instructions.
Spots and filming
on glasses and
Extremelg hard water
Low inlet water
Overloading the
Improper loading
Old or damp powder
Rinse agent dispenser
Too little detergent
• UseJet-Dry ®or Cascade Crystal Clear_ rinse agents to remove spots
and prevent new film buildup.
• To remove stubborn spots and pre-existing film from glassware:
1 Remove all metal utensils from the dishwashen
2 Do not add detergent.
3 Selectthe longest cgcle.
4 Start the dishwasher and allow to run for 18 to 22 minutes.
Dishwasherwill now be in the main wash.
5 Openthe door and pour 2 cups (S00ml) of white vinegar into the
bottom of the dishwashe_
6 Closethe door and allow to complete the cgcle. Ifvinegar rinse
doesn't work: Repeatas above, except use !/4 cup (60 ml)of citric
acid crystals instead of vinega_
Cloudiness on Combination of soft • This is called etching and is permanent. To prevent this from
glassware water and too much happening, use lessdetergent if you have soft waten Wash glassware in
detergent the shortest cgcle that will get it clean.
Water temperature • Lower the water heater temperature.
entering the dishwasher
exceeds 150°R
Detergent cup lid Dial is not in the OFF • Turn the Timer Dial to OFF.
won't latch position
Detergentleft in Dishes are blocking the • Reposition the dishes,
dispenser cups detergent cups
Steam This is normal • Steam comes through the vent by the door latch during drying and
when water is being pumped out.
Black orgray Aluminum utensils have • Removemarks with a mild, abrasive cleane,
marks on dishes rubbed against dishes
Control panel lights Time too long between • Eachpad must betouched within 30 seconds of the others. To relight,
go offwhen you are touching or selecting touch any pad again or unlatch and relatch the doo,
setting controls pads
Controlpanel Door latch mag not •Callfor service.
responded to inputs be properlg seated
but dishwasher never
filled with water