you use your dishwasher the first time
this warranty expires you may purchase an Ex
tended Service Contract which will enable you
to budget your service needs. This coverage be
yond warranty is available from our Factory
Service offices and from many franchised Cus
tomer Care Servicers. It is a good idea to apply
for this coverage before your warranty expires.
If you are dissatisfied with the service you re
ceived, here are three steps you should follow:
First, contact the people who serviced your
dishwasher. Explain why you are dissatisfied.
In most cases, this will solve the problem.
Next, if you are still dissatisfied, write all the
details—including your phone number—to:
Manager, Customer Relations
General Electric Company
Watterson City East - Room 316
Appliance Park
Louisville, Kentucky 40225
Finally, if your problem is still not resolved,
write or telephone:
Major Appliance Consumer Action Panel
20 North Wacker Drive
Chicago, Illinois 60606
This panel, known as MACAP, is a group of
independent consumer experts under the spon
sorship of several industry associations. Its
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industry of ways to improve customer service.
Because MACAP is free of industry control and
influence, it is able to make impartial recom
mendations, considering each case individually.
Use this appliance only for its in
tended purpose as described in this
Use and Care Book.
« Have your dishwasher installed and
properly grounded by a qualified in
staller. Have him show you the loca
tion of the dishwasher circuit breaker
' HYDROGEN GAS can be produced
and can build up in a water heater and
hot water pipes if you have not used
hot water for a period of two weeks
CUMSTANCES. So to prevent the
possibility of damage or injury we rec
ommend that you turn on the kitchen
hot water faucet and allow it to run
several minutes before using your
dishwasher or any other electrical
appliance which is connected to a hot
water system that has not been in use.
This will altow any hydrogen to escape,
and if the gas is present, there may be
an unusual hissing or sputtering sound
as the gas escapes from the faucet as
the hot water begins to flow. There
should be no smoking or open flame
near the faucet at the time it is open.
3 Be careful not to touch the Calrod"
heating unit at the bottom of the tub
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is completed—it may be hot.
© Load light plastic items so they will
not become dislodged and drop to the
bottom of the dishwasher—they might
come into contact with the hGating
unit and be damaged.
« Use only special low-sudsing deter
gents developed especially for auto
matic dishwashers.
Dishwasher deiergents and weiting
agent compounds should not be taken
internally—keep them out of reach of
small children.