Important Information About the SPARC Enterprise T5120 and T5220 Servers 33
A common way to encounter this error is if you left off the = sign when using the
ldm set-variable command.
The previous command results in two NULL LDoms variables.
auto-boot? is a boolean variable and setting it to NULL results in an OpenBoot
warning during boot. The proper format for the preceding command is as follows:
Changing OBP nvram Parameters Does Not Take Affect After
resetsc (CR 6596594)
If the service processor is reset while the control domain is at the ok prompt,
OpenBoot will permanently lose its ability to store nonvolatile LDoms variables or
security keys until the host has been reset. Guest domains are not affected by this
problem. Attempts to update LDoms variables or security keys results in the
following warning messages:
Workaround: To recover from this state, reset the control domain using the reset-
all OpenBoot command.
Changes to OpenBoot PROM Variables With Nondefault
LDoms Configuration Do Not Persist (CR 6593132)
If an LDoms variable is set to a nondefault value when an LDoms configuration is
saved to the service processor, and then later changed back to its default value, the
change to its default value will not survive a power-cycle. For example:
# ldm set-variable auto-boot? true guest_domain
# ldm set-variable auto-boot?=true guest_domain
{0} ok setenv auto-boot? false
WARNING: Unable to update LDOM Variable
{0} ok set-security-key wanboot-key 545465
WARNING: Unable to store Security key
{0} ok reset-all