Chapter 2 Hardware Overview 2-9
2.2.3 LEDs on the Operator Panel
TABLE 2-3 lists the server states displayed with the LEDs on the operator panel.
The three LED indicators on the operator panel indicate the following:
■ General system status
■ System error warning
■ System error location
Besides the states listed in
TABLE 2-3, the operator panel also displays various states
of the server using combinations of the three LEDs.
TABLE 2-4 indicates the states that
are displayed in the course of operation from power-on to power-off of the server.
The blinking interval is 1 second (1 Hz).
In service mode, break signals can be suppressed. If the key position is switched to
Service, the server will boot into service mode the next time it reboots. Service is
selected by default at the initial power-on.
TABLE 2-3 LEDs on the Operator Panel
Icon Name Status Description
POWER LED Green Indicates the server power status.
• On: The power to the server (a domain) is on.
• Off: The power to the server is off.
• Blinking: The server is powered off.
Green Indicates the XSCF unit status.
• On: XSCF unit is functioning normally.
• Off: Input power source is off or is just after turned on, and
XSCF unit is stopped.
• Blinking: System initialization is in progress after power
was turned on.
CHECK LED Amber Indicates that the server has detected an error. This is
sometimes called a locator.
• On: An error that hinders startup was detected.
• Off: Normal, or power is not being supplied.
• Blinking: Indicates that the unit is a maintenance target.