8 Troubleshooting
l ServerView Update Manager Win/LX (applet of SV Operations Man-
ager) >=V 5.0 (includes Remote Connector Service >1.06)
Managed node:
l ServerView Agent Win/LX >=V 5.0 (includes Remote Connector Serv-
ice >1.06)
l ServerView Update Agent Win/LX >=V 5.0 configured with Account
l Certificate of CMS ist not installed on managed node !
(=> Update Manager: Agent Access = not certified for this managed
To avoid Event ID 2370 on those servers:
l Install certificate of CMS (IP Address is content of Event ID Entry) on
managed node.
l The owner of the CMS should remove this server from applet Server-
List if not needed.
288 ServerView Update Management