RESTRICTED USE ONLY Fargo Electronics, Inc.
HDP5000 High Definition Card Printer/Encoder User Guide (Rev. 1.4)
Glossary of Terms (continued)
Term Definition
Input Any data or material being transferred to the Printer.
Input Hopper The area of the Printer that stores the blank cards, ready to
Intermediate Transfer
Media (InTM)
A thin flexible material coated with a resin material into which
the dye is transferred from the Ribbon by the Printhead. The film
is then transferred to the card surface by the Transfer or Hot
Invert F-Panel option This refers to the ability to cause light or white areas of the
image to fluoresce and dark colors to remain dark on the printed
card when exposed to a UV light. (Note: This was requested
because the fluorescent dye color is bright when black light is
applied to it. By default, the dark areas of the image will
fluoresce on the card and the lighter or white areas will have no
dye applied.)
The User can select the Invert F-Panel option to cause the
black in the design to show as dark on the card. This option is
recommended if the user is printing a photo.
ISO From the Greek, iso, meaning same. Used to represent data
from the International Organization for Standardization.
JIS II (Japanese
Industrial Standard)
The standard for encoding to a Magnetic Stripe provided by the
Japan Standards Association. The single track is as wide as
ISO tracks 1 and 2 combined and in the same approximate
location as those tracks but on the front of the card. The
Coercivity level is 600 Oe.
K Panel An area of a multicolored Ribbon (e.g., YMCK) that contains
black resin for transfer to the card surface. Also used in
reference to the application of preference to items printed on the
card - those using the black panel in lieu of a process (YMC)
Lamination The application of a film or resinous substance, fused by heat
and pressure, to the surface of a card.
LAN (Local Area
An array of several computers connected through a series of
data transfer cables for the sharing of data and peripherals.
Continued on the next page