This appliance must be grounded. In the event
of a malfunction or breakdown, grounding will
reduce the risk of electric shock by providing a
path of less resistance
This appliance is equipped with an
equipment-grounding conductor and a grounding
plug. The plug must be plug ged into an appropriate
outlet that is installed and grounded in accordance
with all local codes and ordinances.
to the electrical currents.
Improper connection of the equipment-
grounding conductor can result in a risk
of electric shock. Check with a qualified
electrician or service representative
the appliance is properly grounded.
Do not modify the plug provided with the
to ensure
If the plug does not fit the outlet,
contact a qualified electrician to install a proper
Keep child away from
child away from the open door of the dishwasher,
there could still be some detergent left inside.
detergents and rinse aids. Keep
Do not abuse, sit on, or stand on the door or dish
rack of the dishwasher.
Do not touch the heating element during or
imme diately after use.
Do not wash plastic items unless they are marked
dishwasher safe. For plastic
check the manufactur recommendations.
items not marked,
Use o nly detergen t and r in se additi ves des igned
for an automati c d ishw ash er. N ever use soap,
laund ry deterge nt or h and washing d et ergent
in your dis hwasher. Ke ep t hese prod uc ts out of
re ach of chil d r en.
Dur in g inst alla tion , t he pow er s upp ly m ust n ot
be excessively or dangerously bent or flattened.
Th e d oor sh ould not be le ft i n th e o pen pos ition
since th is could prese nt a t ripping ha zard.
Do not tamper with internal controls.
Do not operate your dishwasher unless all
enclosure p anels are properly in place. Open the
door very carefully if the dishwasher is operating,
there is a risk of water squirting out.
Do not place any he avy objects or stand on the door
when it is open as this could damage the door and
cause the appliance to tip forward.
When l oading it em s to be washed:
1) L ocat e sharp it ems so that they are not l ikely to
damage the door seal.
2) L oad sharp kni ves with t he han dles up t o red uce
the risk of injuries.
When using yo ur di shw asher,
heatin g ele ment.
make sure no pl astic
it ems com e in cont act wi th t he
I f the c or d is d a m a ged, i t m ust be
replaced by service agent or a similarly
quali fie d perso n.
power supply
a qualif ied
Please dispose of packing materials properly.
Use the dishwasher only for its intended function.
When disposing of a n old dishwasher, be sure to
remove the door be fore discarding.
The appliance is not intended for use by young
children or infirm persons without supervision.
Dishwash er d etergen ts ar e strong ly a lkal ine,they
c an b e ex tremely da ngerous i f swallow ed.Avoi d
c on ta ct w ith s kin and ey es and ke ep c hil dren away
fro m the dis hwasher when th e do or is ope n.
Be s ure to keep children away from the dishwasher.
Check th at the detergent re ceptable is empty aft er
completio n of th e wash cycle.