Dil ID: 6
Dil Adı: turkish
Dil Kodu: tr1tayfun Fagor Markası'nın Ürünleri
Dünyanın En Büyük
Elektronik Bilgi Kütüphanesi

Ne ver u se a spray c leaner to cl ean the door pane l as it co uld dama ge t he door lock and elec trical compo nen ts.
To c l ean the use a s of t, dam p r ag
edges of the dishwasher door, to wipe
around the unit.
Be sure to the water from seeping into the door and onto any of the electrical
c omp on ent s . I t is bes t n ot to u se spr ay cl ean er s on t he d ish was h er.
It is also be st not t o use abra si ve c le ane rs or s co uri ng pads on the oute r
surface of the dishwasher as they tend to scratch and leave mark s.
Af ter ev ery wash, l eav e the doo r sli ghtl y ajar so
moisture and odors are not trapped inside the washer.
Prior t o any cle aning o r mai nte nance to th e di shwasher,
it is recommence d that you disc onnect the u nit from the
electr ical for saf ety.outlet
When cleaning
we recommend that you do not use
the exterior and rubber partsof the
di shw ashe r, use
solv ents o r abra si ve c le aning pr odu cts , use on ly a c l oth
an d warm soa py w ater. To r emove spot s or stai ns fr o m
the surface of the interior, use acloth dampenedwith
w ater and a lit tle w hite vine gar, or a cle aning pr oduct
m ade spe c ifically for d ishw as h ers.
If you should go o n vaca ti on, w e re com mend th at you
follow the below procedur e to kee p the uni t i n i ts be st
shape. Run
a w ash cycle with the dishwasher e mpty
and then remove the p lug from the Turn off the
water supply and leave th e door o f the a ppliance
slightly a jar. This will help the se als last l on ger and
preve nt odor s fro m fo rmin g wit hin the appl iance.
If the be mov ed, try to kee p in
th e ve rtical p o sit io n. If ab s olutely necessa r y, i t can
be position ed on i t s ba c k .
dishwasher needs to it
One of the many factors which can
seal s
of the dishwashe r.
cau se o dors to
form in the dishwasher is food trapped in the
Periodic cleaning with a damp
sponge w ill p revent thi s fr om o ccur ring .
Th is dis hwa sher is designed for oper atio n on an adeq ua tely w ire d indi vidu al 1 20VAC,6 0Hz . Use
copper wire only. Timedelay fuses or circuit provide
circ uit s erving only this app liance.
recommend ed 15
amp fus es and bre akers are reco mmended as t he y a s epa ra t e
W hen installin g t he dis hwashe r, be sure no t to in sta ll it d ire ctly in fro nt of t he
outlet it will be plugged into as this will block access to it. Please refer to the installation manual.
After making sure the voltage andthe frequency values for the current in the home
cor respo nd to t hose on the rating pl ate and that the electr ical syst em i s sized tor the ma ximum
vol tage on the r at ing p late, inse rt the pl ug into
If the e lec tr ical the pl ug, r eplac e t he usi ng
ada ptor s as the y co uld caus e ov erh eat in g an d b urns.
a prope rly g rounde d electr ical outl et.
outlet is not suited for outlet instead of
Keeping your dishwasher in prime condition