5.2 Using the Control Center
You can use the following tools to help you use the ENNUS1 server:
Configure Server: go to the server’s web pages to configure the highlighted
ENNUS1 server.
Auto-Connect Printer: set auto-connect printer. Please refer to section 4.6 for
Connect: connect a highlighted USB device.
Disconnect: disconnect a highlighted USB device.
Request to Connect: used to notify the owner of a USB device that you need
the USB device. Please refer to section 4.9 for details.
Network Scanner: actually this is auto-connect scanner. Please refer to section
4.7 for details.
Note: You can also double-click on the highlighted ENNUS1 server to get the
“Configure Server” function.
5.3 Quitting the Control Center
The Control Center does not actually quit if you click the “X” box (close box) at the top
right corner of the window. Instead, it just minimizes itself to the system tray. There
are two ways to quit the Control Center. The first way is choosing “Exit” item in the
“File” menu in the Control Center. The second way is right-clicking the icon of the
Control Center in the system tray and choosing the “Exit” item.