3-6-5 Static Routing
In most cases, all your computers on local network will use default gateway (generally
provided by your ISP) to access servers on Internet. However, if you have preferred network
route you wish to redirect network traffic, you can use this function to create dedicated
route for specific network destination and bypass default gateway. Most users will not
require this function to access Internet.
Enable static routing function.
Input destination network’s address here.
Input the subnet mask of destination network
Input the IP address of the gateway which
leads to this network here.
Input the hop count (the distance between
destination network and this broadband
router) here.
Input the interface which leads to destination
Click to add this static route policy to static
route table.
Click to clear all inputted texts.
If you want to delete a specific static route entry, check the ‘select’ box of the static
route entry you want to delete, then click ‘Delete Selected’ button. (You can select more
than one static route entries). If you want to delete all static route entries listed here,
please click ‘Delete All’ button or you can also click ‘Reset’ button to unselect all static route