3-4-2-3 WPA Pre-Shared Key
WPA (Wi-Fi Protected Access) is a safer encryption mode than WEP (recommended).
Please select a WPA cipher suite supported by your
wireless client. Available options are “WPA (TKIP)”,
“WPA2 (AES)”, and “WPA2 Mixed”.
Select a pre-shared key format here. “Passphrase”
allows you to use 8 or more alphanumerical
characters (up to 63). “Hex” allows you to use up to
64 characters within the ranges of 0-9, a-f, and A-F.
Click “Apply” to save the changes, or click “Cancel” to discard the changes. After you
have clicked “Apply”, you will see the following message:
Click “Apply” to save the changes and restart the broadband router. It takes about 60
seconds for the broadband router to restart. Click “Continue” to configure other settings.