3-2-1 3G/3.75G
If you want to access the Internet via a 3G/3.75G USB modem card, select “3G/3.75G
Select your country or region here.
Select your Internet service provider here.
Please input the pin code for your UMTS, HSDPA, or EVDO
connection (only required if your ISP asks you to do so).
Please input the APN code assigned by your ISP here.
Please input the user name assigned by your ISP here.
Please input the password assigned by your ISP here.
Please input the password again for confirmation.
Please select your card type from the drop-down menu.
Please input the dial number for your UMTS or HSDPA
connection. The default is “*99#”. This should not be altered
except when required by your ISP.
Click “Apply” to save the changes. After you have clicked “Apply”, you will see the
following message: