Appendix A – Specifications 41
Approved Media
To achieve optimum print quality and maximum printhead life, Datamax-O’Neil specifies the use of Datamax-
O’Neil brand media and ribbons. These supplies are specially formulated for use in our printers; use of other
supplies may affect the print quality, performance, and life of the printer or its components. For a current list
of approved media and ribbons for use in direct thermal and thermal transfer applications, please contact a
Media Representative at (407) 523-5650.
Description Max
A Label width
203 DPI: 4.25
300 DPI: 4.12
B Backing width 4.4 .75
C Gap between labels .25 .10
D Label length 24
E Total thickness .010
F Notch opening width -- .20
Distance from the center of the media to
the center of media sensor aperture
.1875 --
with the Adjustable Media Sensor option
Adjustable across full media width
H Reflective mark width
4.4 .50
I Distance between reflective marks 24
J Reflective mark length .25 .10
Units of measure are in inches.
The reflective (black) mark must be carbon based, placed on the backside of the
stock, and the reflectance shall be less than 10% at wavelengths of 950 and 640
The label length may vary up to 99 inches with printable area not exceeding the
maximum label length.
This distance is inclusive of the minimum gap between labels. Min length of 1.25
inches (31.8mm) with optional Cutter installed.
This distance is inclusive of the minimum reflective mark.
.007 inches (.117mm) w/Standard Cutter.