Chapter 2 Hardware Installation
Chapter 1 Product Overview
1.1 Introduction
The Compex NetPassage WPE54G is a 54Mbps wireless access point that is
interoperable with all standard based 802.11g and 11b wireless devices. The Compex
NetPassage WPE54G is a compact and high performance access point that is designed
with support for high security features like Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA), IEEE 802.1x
Authentication and 64-bit or 128-bit Wired Equivalent Privacy. Compex exclusive
wireless LAN technology Wireless Pseudo VLAN further enhances security in wireless
hotspot networks in isolating different users into their own VLANs. The NetPassage
WPE54G is capable of operating in 5 different modes: Access Point Bridging, Access
Point Client, Gateway, Wireless Routing Client and Wireless Ethernet Adapter; making
it suitable for all kinds of wireless applications.
1.2 Features and Benefits
The access point has been designed for high performance and offers a rich suite of
features, with which you should acquaint yourself to be able to exploit the access point’s
full potential
Wireless Distribution System
This unique feature allows linking of several access points, virtually creating a
larger wireless network infrastructure that allows desktops or laptops that are
connected to the access point to share their network resources wirelessly.
Pseudo Virtual LAN
The unique Wireless Pseudo Virtual LAN technology is a feature that allows a
wireless client or groups of wireless client to be segmented wirelessly into its
individual workgroup or individual node thus enhancing the privacy of the wireless
clients. This is especially useful in public hotspot deployment.
Secured Wireless Authentication
The access point supports the latest wireless security standard—Wi-Fi Protected
Access. The wireless users now enjoy the freedom of wireless roaming without
worrying important data being exposed to outsiders. WPA has two different modes:
WPA-PSK for SOHO users and WPA-EAP for Enterprise users. The access point
supports WPA-EAP using IEEE 802.1x-based Extensible Authentication Protocol
(EAP) for secure and centralized user-based authentication. The wireless clients are
now able to authentication through a RADIUS server to the authorized network
through highly secured authentication methods like EAP-TLS, EAP-TTLS, and