show dhcp
Cisco IOS Release 12.0(5)T
Related Commands
Acks Number of ‘acknowledge’ messages sent by the server to the proxy-client.
Naks Number of ‘not acknowledge’ messages sent by the server to the proxy-client.
Declines Number of offers from the server that have been declined by the proxy-client.
Releases Number of times IP addresses have been relinquished gracefully by the client.
Bad Number of bad packets received due to wrong length, wrong field type, or other causes.
TFTP Server Name Name (if any) configured for the server providing TFTP downloads to the cable modem.
TIME0 IP address of the primary Time of Day (TOD) server.
TIME1 IP address of the secondary Time of Day (TOD) server.
Subnet Subnet containing the DHCP server.
Command Description
cable-modem voip best-effort Allows voice traffic to be transmitted on the upstream via
best effort rather than by assigning it a higher priority class
of service.
show bridge cable-modem Ddisplays bridging information for a Cisco uBR924 cable
access router.
show interfaces cable-modem Displays information about the cable interface on the
Cisco uBR924 cable access router.
Table 3 Show DHCP Server Field Descriptions (continued)
Field Description