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Modularity—Features and Benefits
The Cisco 2800 Series provides significantly enhanced modular capabilities (refer to Table 2) while maintaining investment protection for customers.
The modular architecture has been redesigned to support increasing bandwidth requirements, time-division multiplexing (TDM) interconnections,
and fully integrated power distribution to modules supporting 802.3af PoE or Cisco in-line power, while still supporting most existing modules. With
more than 90 modules shared with other Cisco routers such as the Cisco 1700, 1800, 2600, 3700, and 3800 series, interfaces for the Cisco 2800
Series can easily be interchanged with other Cisco routers to provide maximum investment protection in the case of network upgrades. In addition,
taking advantage of common interface cards across a network greatly reduces the complexity of managing inventory requirements, implementing
large network rollouts, and maintaining configurations across a variety of branch-office sizes.
Table 2. Modularity—Features and Benefits
Feature Benefit
Enhanced Network-Module
(NME) Slots
• The NME slots support existing network modules (Note: NM and NME support on Cisco 2811, 2821,
and 2851 only)
• NME Slots offer high data throughput capability (up to 1.6Gbps) and support for Power over
Ethernet (POE).
• NME slots are highly flexible with future support for extended NMEs (NME-X on Cisco 2821 and 2851
only) and enhanced double-wide NMEs (NME-XDs) (Note: Cisco 2851 only).
High-Performance WIC (HWIC) Slots
with Enhanced Functionality
• Four integrated HWIC slots on Cisco 2811, 2821, and 2851 and two integrated HWIC slots on Cisco
2801 allow for more flexible and dense configurations.
• HWICs slots can also support WICs, VICs, and VWICs
• HWIC slots offer high data throughput capability (up to 400 Mbps half duplex or 800 Mbps aggregate
throughput) and Power over Ethernet (POE) support.
• A flexible form factor supports up to two double-wide HWIC (HWIC-D) modules.
Dual AIM Slots
• Dual AIM slots support concurrent services such as hardware-accelerated security, ATM segmentation
and reassembly (SAR), compression, and voice mail (Refer to Table 7 for more details on specific
platform support).
Packet Voice DSP Module (PVDM)
Slots on Motherboard
• Slots for Cisco PVDM2 Modules (DSP Modules) are integrated on the motherboard, freeing slots on
the router for other services.
Extension-Voice-Module (EVM) Slot
• The EVM supports additional voice services and density without consuming the network-module slot
(Note: available only on Cisco 2821 and 2851).
USB Support
• Up to two USB ports are available per Cisco 2800 series router. The routers’ Universal Serial Bus
(USB) ports enable important security and storage capabilities.