Real-Time Transport Protocols 141
Dual Tone Multi Frequency Relay 142
CODECs 142
SCCP-Controlled Analog Ports with Supplementary Features 142
Fax Services 143
Fax Pass-Through 143
Cisco Fax Relay 143
T.37 Store-and-Forward Fax 143
T.38 Fax Relay 143
Unified Survival Remote Site Telephony 143
Verification of Voice Configuration 144
Configuring the Serial Interface 145
Configuring the Serial Interface 145
Legacy Protocol Transport 146
Configuring Serial Interfaces 147
Cisco HDLC Encapsulation 147
PPP Encapsulation 147
Multilink PPP 148
Keepalive Timer 149
Frame Relay Encapsulation 149
LMI on Frame Relay Interfaces 150
Configuring Serial Interfaces 150
Configuring a Synchronous Serial Interface 151
Specifying a Synchronous Serial Interface 151
Specifying Synchronous Serial Encapsulation 151
Configuring PPP 152
Configuring Bisync 152
Configuring Compression of HDLC Data 152
Using the NRZI Line-Coding Format 153
Enabling the Internal Clock 154
Inverting the Transmit Clock Signal 154
Setting Transmit Delay 155
Configuring DTR Signal Pulsing 155
Ignoring DCD and Monitoring DSR as Line Up/Down Indicator 156
Cisco 800 Series Integrated Services Routers Software Configuration Guide
OL-31704-02 ix