slot-time-short command 211
SNTP 278
overview 278
software compression 152
HDLC 152
LAPB 152
PPP 152
speed command 191
SSH 296
configuring 296
crypto software image 296
described 296
displaying settings 296
Stacker compressor 152
static routes 41, 76
configuration 41
configuration example 41
configuring 41, 76
station role command 188
switchport protected command 206
synchronous serial interface 151
encapsulation methods 151
overview 151
system clock 279
configuring 279
manually 279
displaying the time and date 279
system name 281, 282
manual configuration 282
See also DNS [system name 281
zzz] 281
system prompt 281
default setting 281
TACACS+ 273, 274, 275, 276
configuring 274, 275
authorization 275
login authentication 274
default configuration 273
displaying the configuration 276
TACACS+ (continued)
limiting the services to the user 275
TCP/IP-oriented configuration 330
Terminal Access Controller Access Control System Plus 273
See TACACS+ 273
time 278
See SNTP and system clock 278
transmit clock, inverting 154
transmitter-delay command 155
unauthorized access 260
universal workgroup bridge 187
username-based authentication 264
verify 309, 332, 334
DHCP server configuration 332
PPPoE with NAT configuration 309
VLAN configuration 334
viewing default configuration 16
virtual private dialup network group number, configuring 301
VLANs 329, 334
configuring 329
verify configuration 334
VPDN group number, configuring 301
WAN interface, configuring 22, 302
Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA) 179
workgroup bridge 188
maximum number of clients allowed 188
world mode 199
world mode roamingworld mode 199
always on setting 199
world-mode command 199
Cisco 800 Series Integrated Services Routers Software Configuration Guide
OL-31704-02 IN-5