Displays information about command syntax; for
rommon 16 > dis -?
usage : dis [addr] [length]
The output for this command is slightly different for
the xmodem download command:
rommon 11 > xmodem -?
xmodem: illegal option -- ?
usage: xmodem [-cyrxu] <destination filename>
-c CRC-16
-y ymodem-batch protocol
-r copy image to dram for launch
-x do not launch on download completion
-u upgrade ROMMON, System will reboot after
Resets and initializes the router, similar to a power
reset or i
Lists the files on the named device; for example, flash
memory files:
rommon 4 > dir flash:
Directory of flash:/
2 -rwx 10283208 <date> c880-advsecurityk9-mz
9064448 bytes available (10289152 bytes used)
dir device:
For more information about the ROM monitor boot
commands, see the Cisco IOS Configuration
Fundamentals and Network Management Guide.
boot commands
Boots the first image in flash memory.b
Attempts to boot the image directly from the first
partition of flash memory. If you do not enter a
filename, this command will boot this first image in
flash memory.
b flash: [filename]
Disaster Recovery with TFTP Download
The standard way to load new software on your router is to use the copy tftp flash privileged EXEC command
from the Cisco IOS software command-line interface (CLI). However, if the router is unable to boot Cisco
IOS software, you can load new software while in ROM monitor mode.
This section describes how to load a Cisco IOS software image from a remote TFTP server to the router flash
memory. Use the tftpdnld command only for disaster recovery, because it erases all existing data in flash
memory before downloading a new software image to the router.
Cisco 800 Series Integrated Services Routers Software Configuration Guide
402 OL-31704-02
ROM Monitor
Disaster Recovery with TFTP Download