VIEW Configuration Guide: Cisco WLAN Controllers (Virtual, Modules, and Standalone) with APs
August 2013 64
10 Under the Security tab, at Layer 2 Security select the desired security policy from the
drop-down list.
○ For WPA2-PSK, under WPA+WPA2 Parameters:
i Select the WPA2-Policy check box.
ii Select the AES check box for WPA2-Encryption.
iii At Auth Key Mgmt select PSK from the drop-down list.
iv If present (7.2. and later versions), ensure that WPA gtk-randomize State is set
to Disable. The Fast Transition and FT PSK radio boxes may be checked or
unchecked as desired.
○ For WPA-PSK, under WPA+WPA2 Parameters:
i Select the WPA-Policy check box.
ii Select the TKIP check box for WPA Encryption.
iii At Auth Key Mgmt select PSK from the drop-down list. The PSK Format may be
selected as ASCII or HEX for both WPA-PSK and WPA2-PSK policies.
iv If present (7.2 and later versions), ensure that the Fast Transition and FT boxes
remain unchecked.
v If present (7.2. and later versions), ensure that WPA gtk-randomize State is set
to Disable. The Fast Transition and FT PSK radio boxes may be checked or
unchecked as desired.
○ For WPA2-Enterprise (802.1X), select WPA+WPA2 Parameters:
i Select the WPA2 Policy check box.
ii Select the AES check box for WPA2 Encryption.
iii At Auth Key Mgmt, select 802.1X+CCKM from the drop-down list.
iv If present (7.2. and later versions), ensure that WPA gtk-randomize State is set
to Disable.