Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1.1 Router Manager User Guide
Chapter 2 Concepts
Cisco 12000/10720 Router Manager Objects and Interfaces
OSI Mappings
Table 2-6 gives the complete list of OSI mappings for all combinations of the Admin and Operational
Note Although, the EnabledIdleUnlocked is used for the errored state (admin status up), this does not follow
the TGO standard definitions, however within the standard definitions there is no available combination
that accurately represents this state.
Table 2-6 OSI Mappings for the different combinations of the Admin and Operational Status
Operational Status Admin Status OSI Mapping Icon Representation
Up Up EnabledActiveUnloc
Providing Service)
Down/Testing Down DisabledIdleLocked
Down/Testing Up EnabledIdleUnlocked
Down/Testing Testing DisabledIdleLocked