1.5 About the AirStation CD
Prior to copying or installing the software, please read the Software License Agreement “license.txt”, located in the root folder of the
CD. By installing, copying or using the AirStation software, you are consenting to the terms of this agreement. If you do not agree to
all of the terms of the Software License Agreement, do not download, copy or install the AirStation software.
It is the policy of Buffalo Technology to improve products as new technology, components, software and fi rmware become available.
Before you proceed with the installation of this product, please consult the Buffalo website (http://www.buffalotech.com) to
download and install the latest software for your product.
2.1 Using AirNavigator
For easy setup, the WLA-G54 CD contains a web-based utility, AirNavigator. Use it to set up the
wireless LAN environment for both AP and PC (client). The system requires Explorer 4.0 or higher, or Netscape Com mu ni ca tor 4.0
or higher.
To set up the parameters manually, refer to Chapter 3. Before installation, verify
the PC is set up for browsing the Internet.
1. Insert the AirNavigator CD into the CD drive. The following screen will ap-
pear. For AirStation setup, select “Setup the AirStation” and click OK.
2. The Network Adapter confi rmation screen will appear. Verify the adapter shown
matches that of the PC.
k Next until a list of available access points shows up in the ESS-ID fi eld.
Buffalo’s ESS-ID is 12 digits and is found on the back of the AirStation, labeled
LAN MAC Address. Select the one you want to communicate with and highlight
it. Click Next.