35012234 ver.01
Internet Connection Setting Table
his table provides references to select and configure Internet connection in setting up your ADSL connection. Many lSPs use different setting
depending on the region and equipment they use. You may try the setting for the lSPs in your region. If it does not work, please contact you
lSP for your specific setting.
Country ISPs Encapsulation Multiplexing VPI VCI
Australia iiNet RFC 1483 PPPoE LLC 8 35
Australia Internode RFC 1483 PPPoE LLC 8 35
Australia Optus RFC 1483 PPPoE LLC 8 35
Australia Soul RFC 2364 PPPoA VC 8 35
Australia Telstra RFC 1483 PPPoE LLC 8 35
Australia TPG RFC 1483 PPPoE LLC 8 35
Australia default-other RFC 1483 PPPoE LLC 8 35
Argentina Telecom RFC 1483 PPPoE LLC 0 35
Argentina Telefonica RFC 1483 PPPoE LLC 8 35
Argentina default-other RFC 1483 PPPoE LLC 0 35
Austria Tiscali RFC 2364 PPPoA LLC 8 48
Austria UTA RFC 1483 PPPoE LLC 0 32
Austria Ultanet RFC 2364 PPPoA VC 8 48
Austria default-other RFC 2364 PPPoA VC 8 48
Bahrain Batelco RFC 2364 PPPoA VC 8 35
Bahrain default-other RFC 2364 PPPoA VC 8 35
Belgium Academic Broadband RFC 1483 PPPoE LLC 8 35
Belgium Belgacom RFC 1483 PPPoE LLC 8 35
Belgium Scarlet RFC 1483 PPPoE LLC 8 35
Belgium Skynet RFC 1483 PPPoE LLC 8 35
Belgium Versatel RFC 2364 PPPoA LLC 8 35
Belgium Scarlet RFC 1483 PPPoE LLC 8 35
Belgium Tele2 RFC 1483 PPPoE LLC 8 35
Belgium default-other RFC 1483 PPPoE LLC 8 35
Brazil Brasil Telecom (All other States) RFC 1483 PPPoE LLC 0 35
Brazil Brasil Telecom (Rio Grande do Sul State) RFC 1483 PPPoE LLC 1 32
Brazil CTBC RFC 1483 PPPoE LLC 0 35
Brazil Telefonica RFC 1483 PPPoE LLC 8 35
Brazil Telemar / Oi RFC 1483 PPPoE LLC 0 33
Brazil default-other RFC 1483 PPPoE LLC 0 35
Canada Telus RFC 1483 PPPoE LLC 0 35
Canada default-other RFC 1483 Bridged LLC 0 35
Telefonica RFC 1483 PPPoE LLC 8 32
Entel RFC 1483 PPPoE LLC 8 35
中国网通 China NetCom (Beijing)
RFC 1483 PPPoE LLC 0 35
中国电信 China Telecom (Guan
RFC 1483 PPPoE LLC 8 32
中国电信 China Telecom (Guan
RFC 1483 PPPoE LLC 8 35
中国电信 China Telecom (Shan
RFC 1483 PPPoE LLC 8 81
中国电信 China Telecom (Shan
RFC 1483 PPPoE LLC 8 35
中国电信 China Telecom (Shan
RFC 1483 PPPoE LLC 0 81
中国电信 China Telecom (ShenZhen
RFC 1483 PPPoE LLC 8 35
中国电信 China Telecom (ShenZhen
RFC 1483 PPPoE LLC 0 100
China default-other RFC 1483 PPPoE LLC 8 35
Croatia H Telecom RFC 1483 PPPoE LLC 1 32
Croatia default-other RFC 1483 PPPoE LLC 1 32
Czech Republic Cesky Telecom RFC 1483 PPPoE LLC 8 48
Czech Republic Telefonica O2 RFC 1483 PPPoE LLC 8 48
Czech Republic default-other RFC 1483 PPPoE LLC 8 48
Denmark Arrownet RFC 1483 Bridged LLC 0 35
Denmark ComX RFC 1483 Bridged LLC 0 35
Denmark Cybercity RFC 2364 PPPoA VC 0 35
Denmark Dansk Kabel TV RFC 1483 Bridged LLC 0 35
Denmark Foroya RFC 2364 PPPoA LLC 1 47
Denmark Fullrate RFC 2364 PPPoA VC 0 101
Denmark Galnet RFC 1483 Bridged LLC 0 35
Denmark Get2Net RFC 1483 Bridged LLC 0 35
Denmark Stofa Net RFC 1483 Bridged LLC 0 35
Denmark TDC RFC 1483 Bridged LLC 0 101
Denmark TDC-Privat RFC 1483 Bridged LLC 0 35
Denmark TDC-erhverv RFC 1483 Bridged LLC 0 35
Denmark Tele2 (PPPoE) RFC 1483 PPPoE LLC 0 35
Denmark Tele2 (Dynamic) RFC 1483 Bridged LLC 0 35
Denmark Telelet RFC 1483 Bridged LLC 0 35
Denmark Tiscali(World Online) RFC 2364 PPPoA VC 0 35
Denmark default-other RFC 2364 PPPoA VC 0 35
Edypt EgyNet RFC 2364 PPPoA VC 8 35
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