VAT Exemption
If you purchase an item for your personal use and you are registered as
chronically sick or disabled, or you are purchasing goods on the behalf
of individuals who fulfil the above criteria, you may be entitled to
purchase the goods without the payment of VAT. Any items which
cannot be exempted are clearly displayed. The above also applies to
registered charities. If in any doubt please contact us or your local
Customs & Excise. All prices shown are without VAT where schedule
14 of the VAT Act does not apply or if the purchaser does not qualify,
then VAT at standard rate will be applied.
Terms and Conditions
Postage and packing to the UK mainland is generally included in the
price shown, for large orders and those to outside the UK mainland and
overseas, charges may be incurred.
Orders from County Councils, Local Authorities, Hospitals, Schools and
Companies, must be supplied with official order number, delivery
address and contact telephone numbers.
A small deposit may be taken for orders over £500.00 and held via a
credit or debit card. All goods remain the property of SW Retail Ltd until
paid for in full. Accounts must be settled within 21 days of invoice date,
failure to meet these terms will result in withdrawal of future deliveries
and provision of pro-forma invoice.
All prices shown are subject to change without prior notice.
Goods sent on a free trial basis, which are deemed to be unsuitable,
must be returned within 10 days of receipt, in the original packaging and
in an undamaged condition.
All goods are available on a free seven day trial basis.
All goods remain the sole property of SW Retail until paid for in full.