bintec R4300
Subject to technical alterations
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bintec elmeg GmbH - Suedwestpark 94 - 90449 Nuremberg - Germany
Phone: +49 - 911 9673-0 - Telefax: +49 - 911 688 07 25
RADIUS Central check of access authorization at a RADIUS server (PPP and Login Authentication)
TACACS+ Support of TACACS a security application that provides centralized validation of users
Authentication PPP mechanisms (see Software)
Content filtering 30 day evaluation licence
VLAN Network nodes in different network segments behave like a arbitrary group connected to the same
network segment
Encryption for PPP MPPE up to 128 bit other up to 168 bit
VPN - IPSec 10 tunnels inclusive, 50 more via separate licenses
VPN - IPSec Powerful encryption up to 256 bits (AES, 3DES, DES, CAST, Blowfish, Twofish)
VPN - IPSec Callback: Transmission of dynamic IP address in D or B channel; free-of-charge licence necessary
VPN-IPSec DPD Dead Peer Detection for IPSec tunnel
VPN - PPTP integrated
VPN - PPTP Strong encryption up to 128 bits (MPPE), up to 168 bits (DES/3DES, Blowfish)
DynDNS / DynVPN Router can still be reached over the Internet in spite of dyn. IP address
IKE for IPSec Pre-Shared Keys and X.509 certificate support
X.509 X.509 v1/v3 certificates (PKCS#7/8/10, 12, CLRs, SCEP)
QoS for IPSec Available
PKI Support for IPSec Available
NAT Traversal for IPSec Available
IPCOMP IP Compression
IPSec / RADIUS Available
IPSec Redesign Policy manager and interface concept
L2TP layer 2 tunneling protocol for ATM, Ethernet, PPP; user authentication
GRE V.0 according RFC 2784 for common encapsulation
Hardware Encryption factory default: 3DES, AES and RC4
TCP/IP routing Routing information updating and distribution, static or dynamic (RIP v1/v2/triggered, RFC 2091),
selectable for each interface, ProxyARP, BOOTP/DHCP forwarding
Extended IP routing Dependent on source/destination port, source IP address, TOS ..., i.e. policy-based routing
X.25 Enhanced Optional: X.25 over ISDN, XOT, X.25 to TCP Gateway, X.25 PAD, TP0 Bridge
OSPF Static/dynamic updating and distribution of routing information
Bridging Transparent Mode
QoS Quality of Service with DiffServ and shaping: breakdown of IP data traffic into classes with different
priorities, optimized queue handling and shaping as per these priorities
TCP Download Rate Control Optimal for VoIP transmission