FRITZ!Box Fon WLAN 7570 vDSL 157
TCP/IP abbreviation for Transmission Control Protocol / Internet
TCP/IP is the “language” of the Internet. TCP/IP is used to
refer to a suite of protocols used for data communication
over the Internet. TCP and IP are the network and transport
protocols underlying most Internet services, including file
transfer (FTP) and e-mail communication (SMTP). TCP/IP is
available for practically all computer systems. TCP/IP thus
offers the advantage of trouble-free communication be-
tween otherwise incompatible networks and systems.
TR-069 T-069 is an HTTP-based protocol for communication be-
tween CPE (Customer Premises Equipment) and an Auto
Configuration Server (ACS) belonging to the Internet Ser-
vice Provider. The TR-069 protocol is also known under the
alternative name CPE WAN Management Protocol (CWMP).
It offers the possibility of secure automatic configuration of
the terminal device and thus, most importantly, facilitates
simple initial configuration of the ADSL terminal equipment
by the end customer.
The TR-069 protocol can be used for automatic configura-
tion only if it is actively supported by the given terminal de-
vice. For this an Auto Configuration Client (ACC) must be in-
tegrated in the device. The specifications for automatic
configuration of the ADSL terminal device are stored on the
Auto Configuration Server by the given Internet Service Pro-
Network address of the subnet:
Address of the computer in the
IP address pool in the subnet: - 192,168,255,255
The IP addresses
and are re-
served. This means that the ad-
dresses from to are available
for assignment to the comput-
Example 2