More about Internet Telephony
FRITZ!Box Fon WLAN 7570 vDSL 141
4 More about Internet Telephony
Voice over IP (VoIP)
Internet telephony has already been in use for years, but to-
day it allows even private customers the convenience famil-
iar from conventional telephony, usually at significantly
lower prices.
Internet telephony has also made it considerably more con-
venient to use applications like conference calls and an-
swering machines in networks. Further advantages include
global availability at a single telephone number, and the
development of new standards for security and voice quali-
File Transfer All kinds of data transmission in the Internet use the Inter-
net Protocol (IP). IP is packet-oriented. This means that the
data are broken down into data packets for transmission
and IP takes care of the transport of the individual data
packets through the Internet. Language is also transmitted
in the Internet in this manner.
In opposition to this, fixed-line telephony transmits data in
a line-oriented manner. In this case data are transmitted in
a coherent data stream.
4.1 Telephony Scenarios
If you have configured both a fixed-line number and an In-
ternet number in FRITZ!Box, you can make calls in all direc-
from the fixed-line network into the fixed-line network
from the Internet into the fixed-line network
from the Internet into the Internet
and receive calls from all directions as well.