FRITZ!Box Fon WLAN 7113 10
Package Contents
Local Network All of the computers connected with the FRITZ!Box consti-
tute a network and can share access to any files released
for file sharing.
Internet All of the computers connected to the FRITZ!Box can ac-
cess the Internet.
The FRITZ!Box works as a DSL router, making the Internet
connection available to all connected computers. All con-
nected computers can then use the Internet connection at
the same time.
Firewall The FRITZ!Box is equipped with an integrated firewall. The
integrated firewall protects your network from attacks
from the Internet as long as the FRITZ!Box is operated as a
Network Devices Other network devices can also be connected to the net-
work port of the FRITZ!Box, for instance game consoles.
Operating Systems
The FRITZ!Box can be connected to computers with Win-
dows operating systems, the Linux operating system or
Apple computers with the Mac OS X operating system.
2.1 Package Contents
The following is included in the FRITZ!Box Fon WLAN 7113
FRITZ!Box Fon WLAN 7113
one power supply unit with a cable for connection to
the power mains
one DSL/telephone cable for connecting the
FRITZ!Box to your DSL line
one network cable for connection to a computer or a
one FRITZ!Box CD with
– Installation Help
– documentation for all enclosed AVM components
one quick guide