FRITZ!Box Fon WLAN 7390 188
The high throughput rates make it possible to support
multimedia services. With special cards or USB sticks the
Internet connection can also be provided for laptops or
computers via UMTS.
Update A more recent version of software or firmware is called an
update. Updates are often free of charge, resolve minor
programming errors, and sometimes also offer new func-
Upload This term designates the procedure of transmitting files
from one’s own computer to another computer in the Inter-
UPnP abbreviation for Universal Plug and Play (UPnP)
UPnP is an extension of the Microsoft Plug & Play standard
that allows devices to network globally and to exchange
services—without a central server or computer.
UPnP allows devices from all kinds of manufacturers (ste-
reo systems, routers, printers, house controls) to be con-
trolled via an IP-based network, with or without central
control through a gateway. It is based on a number of
standardized network protocols and data formats. Ex-
pressed simplistically, devices can communicate with
each other automatically using UPnP to exchange informa-
Today the UPnP forum specifies the UPnP standard and
certifies devices that are compliant with this standard.
UPnP AV abbreviation for Universal Plug and Play Audio/Video
UPnP AV is a UPnP specification for the interaction be-
tween the media server, playback devices and devices
controlling the streaming of audio and video data within
networks. Media servers are devices that make audio and
video data available upon request. Playback devices ren-
der the audio and video data (television, stereo system,
streaming clients). Control devices are remote controls.