Chapter 2 Avaya P460 CLI Commands
64 Avaya P460 Reference Guide
redistribute (RIP)
User level: read-write, admin.
L You can only access this command in router-RIP mode.
Type router rip at the command prompt to enter router-RIP mode if
Use the redistribute command to redistribute routing information from other
protocols into RIP.
Use the no redistribute command to disable redistribution by RIP.
The default is disabled.
The syntax for this command is:
[no] redistribute <protocol>
User level: read-only, read-write, admin.
Use the reset command to restart the system or an individual Supervisor module.
The syntax for this command is:
reset [chassis | spvs | 1 | 2]
Router-1 (configure router:ospf) # redistribute static
protocol Either Static or OSPF
Router-1 (configure router:rip) # redistribute ospf
chassis • Reset the entire chassis, including the Supervisor and I/O
• Reset the hardware
• Causes disruption to traffic of 10 to 20 seconds
spvs • Reset both the Supervisor modules
• Minimal disruption to the traffic
1 Reset Supervisor module in slot 1