Chapter 2 Avaya P460 CLI Commands
30 Avaya P460 Reference Guide
If you wish to enter a name which includes spaces, you must enclose the entire
name in quotation marks, for example “new york”.
hostname (Layer 3)
User level: read-write, admin.
Changes the system prompt used for the router. This command does not change the
system prompt of the switch. To change the system prompt of the switch, use the
host name command in the Layer 2 tree.
The syntax for this command is:
[no] hostname [<hostname_string>]
If you wish to define a name which includes spaces, you must enclose the entire
name in quotation marks, for example “new york”.
User level: read-write, admin.
L You can only access this command in configure mode.
Type configure at the command prompt to enter configure mode if necessary.
Use the interface command to create and enter the Interface Configuration
Use the no interface command to delete a specific IP interface.
P460-1# hostname
Session hostname is ‘P460’
P460-1# hostname “gregory”
The string to be used as the hostname (up to 20 characters).
If you do not enter a string, the current hostname is
Router-1> hostname Marketing
Marketing-1 #