BSGX4e Business Gateway User Guide 73
Release 01.01 NN47928-102
User Management
Example of Configuring a TACACS+ Authentication Record
This example creates an authentication record for user account TACuser. It assumes
that the user account TACuser has been configured and TACACS+ has been specified
as its authentication method.
User account name: TACuser
IP address of TACACS+ server:
Shared key: tacacskey
Enter these commands:
> config tacplus client TACuser
Entering interactive mode: ctrl^z | 'exit', ctrl^c | 'quit'
TAB to cycle parameter options
tacplus-cl-user#> enabled yes
tacplus-cl-user#> server
tacplus-cl-user#> key tacacskey
tacplus-cl-user#> exit
*> save
Show TACACS+ Authentication Records
To list the TACACS+ authentication records, enter:
> show tacplus client
The following display shows two authentication records, one for user account
TACuser and the other for user account root. Both records reference the same
TACACS+ server.
TACACS+ Client:
User Enabled Server Key
TACuser yes tacacskey
root yes tacacskey
Table 20. TACACS+ Authentication Record Parameters
Parameter Description
[user] Name of the user account to which the authentication record
applies. The user account must specify TACACS+ authentication.
enabled Whether the TACACS+ client is enabled for the user. The default is
server IP address of the TACACS+ server that the client references.
key Shared key for the client as determined by the server.