68 BSGX4e Business Gateway User Guide
NN47928-102 Release 01.01
Enter the following commands:
> config user rights user access read gname users object Users
*> save
Show User Rights Record
To show the rights record named user, enter the following command:
> show user rights user
The display is similar to the following:
Access Rights:
Identifier Access mode Group name Object name
user read users Users
Deleting a User Rights Record
To delete a user rights record, specify the name of the record on the command
delete user rights.
NOTE: You cannot rename or delete the predefined rights records named
admin, useradv, and userbasic.
For example, to remove a user rights record named user, enter the following
> del user rights user
*> save
Radius Authentication
To provide additional security for user logins to the BSGX4e device, you can require
an external authentication of passwords. When a password is externally
authenticated, a client in the device sends the password to an external server for
The Radius client:
NOTE: When external authentication is used for a user account, the external
server defines the password required for logon using the account. The
password command can change the internal password stored for the
account, but this password is not used for authentication and so the
effective password is not changed.
The Radius client in the BSGX4e device:
is compatible with standard Radius servers
maps Radius authentication records to users by their user account name
can reference up to twenty Radius authentication records