Appendix K G4x16 and G8x16 wiring charts 235
BCM50 Installation and Maintenance Guide
Appendix K
G4x16 and G8x16 wiring charts
You can connect 4 or 8 analog telephone lines and up to 16 digital telephones to the G4x16 or
G8x16 media bay module (MBM).
The analog telephones lines connect to the G4x16 or G8x16 through the lower RJ-21 (amphenol)
connector on the front of the MBM. See the figure G4x16/G8x16 connectors on page 235.
The digital telephones, such as the Business Series Telephones, connect to the upper RJ-21
(amphenol) connector on the front of the G4x16 or G8x16 MBM.
Figure 97 G4x16/G8x16 connectors
The table G4x16/G8x16 MBM upper RJ-21 (amphenol) connector wiring for digital telephones on
page 235 lists the wiring details for the upper RJ-21 (amphenol) connector, and the table G4x16
and G8x16 lower RJ-21 (amphenol) connector wiring for analog PSTN lines on page 237 lists the
wiring details for the lower RJ-21 (amphenol) connector on the G4x16 and G8x16 MBMs.
Table 50 G4x16/G8x16 MBM upper RJ-21 (amphenol) connector wiring for digital telephones
(Sheet 1 of 2)
Set Pin Connection Wire color
Default DN on
Expansion port 1
Default DN on
Expansion port 2
126Tip White-Blue
253 285
1 Ring Blue-White
2 27 Tip White-Orange
254 286
2 Ring Orange-White
RJ-21 pin out
RJ-21 (amphenol)
connector for 16
digital telephones
RJ-21 (amphenol)
connector for 4 or 8
analog PSTN lines