Address: 1000 Seville Road, Wadsworth, OH 44281
Phone: 1.800.924.5172
Web: www.ecstuning.com
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B5 S4 Timing Belt Kit Installation
This tutorial takes you through a step-by-step procedure for installing a new timing belt and water pump on an Audi 2.7T
in a 2001 B5 S4. Steps shown here also apply to 2.7T engines used in A6 and AllRoad models.
This is a lengthy procedure. It requires above average repair skills and several professional automotive tools.
ECS Tuning Timing Belt Kit-
Ultimate Plus
with camshaft and crankshaft
locking tools
ECS Tuning Timing Belt Kit-
Ultimate Plus
ECS tuning oers kits with the parts and uids needed for this service,
as well as a master kit with the special camshaft and crankshaft
locking tools shown in this tutorial