09/22/2005 07:50 AMAudi A4 > 2001, S4 2000 > - 2.7 Liter V6 5V BiTurbo Engine Mechanical, Engine Code(s): APB
Install in the opposite order to removing.
When installing, note the following points:
- Remove residues of sealant on sealing
surfaces of coolant pump and cylinder
- Clean sealing surfaces; ensure that they
are free of oil and grease.
- Install new gasket on coolant pump flange.
- Insert coolant pump into cylinder block and
tighten all 9 securing bolts -2-.
- Secure rear toothed belt guard at coolant
pump housing -1-.
Tightening torque: 10 Nm.
- Install toothed belt Page 13-4 .
- Install ribbed belt Page 13-1 .
- Install toothed belt guard.
- Fill cooling system Page 19-19 .