04/26 Audi A3 / Product and Price Guide / Model Year 2014
Contents / Introduction / Eciency / PCP / Pricelist / Standard Equipment / SE / S Line / S Line / S3 / Upholstery Options / Exterior Colours / Optional Equipment / Wheels / Technology / Technical Data
Audi Eciency Leads the Way
At Audi, doing less is something we’re trying to do more of.
We’re working to use less fuel, release less CO2 and waste less
energy. It’s why we’ve incorporated a number of more ecient
technologies into the Audi A3.
TDI® and FSI®
Inside the engine of the Audi A3 you’ll find the same advanced
fuel-injection technology that’s driven us to win after win at Le
Mans. With TDI® and FSI®, fuel is injected directly into the engine’s
chambers so that combustion is timed right down to the
millisecond. As a result, waste is minimised and you get the most
from every last drop of fuel.
Click the target to find out more
about Audi Eciency
Gear-change indicator
Small changes to your driving style can have a big impact on
your fuel economy. The gear-change indicator in the Audi A3 is
there to indicate the optimum gear to use for any given speed,
encouraging early upshifts to ensure you don’t burn more fuel
than is necessary.
A car’s shape is one of the most important factors that influences
its eciency. It’s why we’ve worked to make the Audi A3 as
aerodynamic as possible.