Atlona Technologies www.atlona.com
3.0 Connector Types
The AV matrix swticher uses 2 types of Video Connectors for 4 Channel and 8 Channel RCA terminals are
used. For 16 Channel, 24 Channel, 32 Channel, 48 Channel, 64 Channel, 96 Channel, 128 Channel BNC fe-
male terminals are use. Audio signal I/O terminals make up of 2 Channel, 4 Channel, 8 Channel, 16 Chan-
nel, 24 Channel, 32 Channel, 48 Channel, 64 Channel, 96 Channel 128 Channel with 3.8mm captive screw
connectors(or RCA terminals). The AV1616 switcher signal I/O terminals are form Channel 1 to Channel
8 and Channel 9 to Channel 16 (form left to right, display in two rows), The interfaces are video terminals
(BNC), audio left state terminals (white RCA), audio right state terminals (red RCA). The AV switcher can
also be controlled via the RS-232 communication port. This RS-232 communication port is a female 9-pin
D connector. The denition of its pins is shown in the table below.
The switcher can also be controlled through COM1 or COM2 ports on the computer, To control the switch-
er, users may use the application SWITCHER 2.0 in the supplied CD or develop their own control software
with the protocol and control codes.
Pin RS-232 Description
1 N/u Not used
2 Tx Transmit data
3 Rx Receive data
4 N/u Not used
5 Gnd Signal ground
6 N/u Not used
7 N/u Not used
8 N/u Not used
9 N/u Not used