VIP Member Warranty Notice
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Dearest Customer,
Thank you for purchasing an ASUS product!
Register online* immediately and:
(1) Enjoy total warranty and protection for your ASUS product
• The latest ASUS product news, promotional activities, benets and discounts
• Software / rmware upgrade reminders
* For more inquiries and details regarding guarantee and warranty matters, please visit
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(1) 享有完整保固權益之保障
(2) 尊爵7*1會員服務:
• 最新的華碩產品訊息、第一手的促銷優惠、7*1會員獨享的專屬折扣
• 軟體/韌體更新即時提醒
• 不同於一般保固均自出場日起為起始日計算,上網註冊成功後,您的保固日期
* 其他相關的保固說明細節,請上華碩官方網站查詢:http://www.asus.com。
For Australian Warranty Statement Only
Consumer Law. You are entitled to a replacement or refund for a major failure and
compensation for any other reasonably foreseeable loss or damage. You are also entitled
to have the products repaired or replaced if the goods fail to be of acceptable quality
and the failure does not amount to a major failure. You can nd more information about
the Australian Consumer Law on the ACCC website: www.accc.gov.au (see under “For
Consumers” tab). ASUSTek Computer Inc. oers the Warranty in conjunction with any
guarantees imposed by the Australian Consumer Law.