Section 3
Loading Coupon Stock
3.1 Recommended Types and Sizes
The Journey II Desktop supports magnetic and non-magnetic ATB direct
thermal, fan-folded, continuous stock. Following are guidelines for
recommended coupon types and sizes for use with the printer.
Coupon Types:
Two sizes: 7 3/8 or 8 inch (187.33 or 203.20mm) magnetic and non-magnetic
ATB stock. Only high quality stock conforming to IATA 722e, ATA 20.201
specifications or equivalent should be used. Feature settings or predefined
profiles are used to change between magnetic and non-magnetic stock.
Image Type: Direct thermal
Stock Type: Fan-folded
Width: 3.250 ± 0.007 in. (82.55 ± 0.18 mm)
Length: Total Length: 8.000 ± 0.015 in. (203.20 ± 0.38 mm)
or 7.375 ± 0.015 in (187.33 mm ±
0.38 mm)
Coupon: 5.200 in. (132.08 mm)
Boarding Pass: 2.175 in. (55.25 mm)
Stub: 0.625 in. (15.88 mm) — not part of
7.375 in. (187.3 mm) coupon
Coupon/Boarding Pass: 7.375 ± 0.015 in. (187.33 ± 0.38 mm)
Thickness: 0.0072 ± 0.0005 in. (0.185 ± 0.013 mm)
Coupon length is automatically sensed on BIN 2. For BIN 1,
ensure that the stock length feature setting matches the actual
stock length used in BIN 1.