2.4 Updating the Printer Software
A 3.5 inch front mounted floppy disk drive is used for internal printer software
upgrades (firmware upgrades). The data format used is DOS compatible.
To update the firmware:
1. Insert the software upgrade disk.
2. Press the ON LINE/MENU key to place the printer Off line.
3. Press the SOFTWARE LOAD key.
4. The following message appears:
5. Press the ENTER key to begin the software download (or press the
RESET/CLEAN key to cancel).
6. The LCD displays the status of the upgrade.
7. Reload PECTABS after the software download.
Figure 2-3. Reset/Clean Key
S o f t w a r e L o a d F r o m D i s k
P r e s s E N T E R t o B e g i n