Feature Values Description
Flash Memory Test N/A This feature is used to test the FLASH
memory. This test can only be
accessed when diagnostic ROMs are
plugged into the control board.
Display Time and
N/A If your printer is equipped with a real-
time clock, this feature displays the
current time and date.
Strike Wd Small
Char #
1 - 4 Modifies the stroke width of characters
that are smaller than a 10 pitch
character, to make the character
darker. The stroke of a character
defines the width of the individual lines
that create the character.
Strike Wd Large
Char #
1 - 4 Modifies the stroke width of 10 pitch
or larger characters. The stroke of a
character defines the width of the
individual lines that create the
Software Load -
57K baud
N/A This feature is used to load software
via COM1 and the host.