NLLW – návod k obsluze a instalaci
1.2 Terminology
It is explain here the meaning of used words in manual.
Communicator LLW - it is final product designed for communication from
lift cabin to service center.
Emergency call - it is person calling while lift failure or other
emergency situation happened. It is activates by
button pushing. The call is being between lift cabin
and service center.
Service calling - it is calling regularly repeated. (for example every 3
days). It is automatic proving of LLW functionality. )
Failure calling - it is calling caused by status change on input INP1
Machine room call - it is calling between lift cabin and machine room, )
Incoming call - it is calling coming from outside into LLW unit.
The LLW pick up (you can program parameters)
Dial - it is kind of dial on telephone line – dial (DTMF) dial
(dial even acknowledgement * and # , use loop
interruption = Flash) or pulse – (dial only numeral)
Telephone line - PSTN line (public line) (line coming directly from
Telecommunication carrier) or extension line
(coming from PBX)
confirmation - dial of combination star * and numerals. After
dialing of those characters the call is authorized and
lift communicator reply by its unique serial number.
(5 digits)
serial number - each lift communicator LLW has unique seriál
number since 00001 to 65535. This number is
sending via DTMF every time when LLW receives
confirmation character
call connection - this status is indicated via lighting of green check –
light and might be caused either by call confirmation
( dial confirmation character) or when is not present
ringing tone for longer time period.