12 Patch Release Note
Patch 86222-10 for Software Release 2.2.2
C613-10319-00 REV J
The SHOW CPU command sometimes displayed incorrect CPU utilisation
figures. Typically a value of about 74% was reported when in fact the CPU
was almost idle. This issue has been resolved.
Port parameters can now be set correctly using the Layer 3 Switch GUI.
Clicking the Apply button on a Layer 3 Switch GUI page caused the switch
to lock up if no configuration file was set, but boot.cfg was present. This
issue has been resolved.
A fatal error occurred when UDP received a packet with very long UDP
packet length. This issue has been resolved.
Features in 86222-01
Patch file details for Patch 86222-01 are listed in Table 10.
Patch 86222-01 includes the following enhancement for Software Release 2.2.2:
The DHCP server identified the wrong port numbers for incoming DHCP
requests causing DHCP replies to be sent to the wrong port. This issued has
been resolved.
The IP flow cache occasionally generated a watchdog fatal error. This issued
has been resolved.
Deleting entries from an L3 table occasionally resulted in a watchdog fatal
error. This issued has been resolved.
PKI enrolment no longer causes message validation to fail.
PCR: 01131 Module: CORE Network affecting: No
PCR: 01134 Module: GUI Network affecting: No
PCR: 01135 Module: GUI,INST Network affecting: No
PCR: 01137 Module: IPG Network affecting: No
Table 10: Patch file details for Patch 86222-01.
Base Software Release File
Patch Release Date
Compressed Patch File Name
Compressed Patch File Size
187124 bytes
PCR: 01100 Module: DHCP Network affecting: No
PCR: 01102 Module: IPG Network affecting: No
PCR: 01102 Module: SWI Network affecting: No
PCR: 01106 Module: PKI Network affecting: No