2 Description
Refer to fig. 1 on page 14.
2.4.2 Rear Panel
Fig. 2: Rear panel of
SR 40 FLEXX receiver .
Refer to fig. 2.
3a OK (green): This LED is lit to indicate that an RF signal of adequate strength is being re-
3b MUTE (red): This LED is lit to indicate that no signal is being received or the squelch is
active. In either case, the audio output will be muted automatically.
4 DIVERSITY LEDs A and B: Indicate which of the two receiving antennas is active at any
5 Color code: The color indicates the carrier frequency band of the receiver. Transmitters
and receivers tuned to the same frequency band are marked with the same color. Refer
to the Manual Supplement sheet for a color code table.
6 AF LEDs: Indicate the received audio level:
6a OK (green): -30 dB to +3 dB
6b CLIP (red): >3 dB. This LED illuminates to indicate the audio level of the received sig-
nal is overloading the receiver's audio section.
The green AF OK LED being lit and the red AF CLIP LED flashing occasionally indicate
optimum modulation.
If none of the LEDs is lit, the gain setting on the transmitter is too low.
7 VOLUME: This rotary control adjusts the receiver’s output level from microphone to line
level for matching to the input sensitivity of your mixer or amplifier. The control range is
26 dB.
8 Frequency selector: This slide switch tunes the receiver to one of three different carrier
frequencies within the receiver's carrier frequency band.
9 Carrier frequency label: A label indicating the name of the carrier frequency band and
the three carrier frequencies of your receiver is affixed to the rear panel of the receiver.
10 AUDIO OUT/BALANCED: Balanced 3-pin XLR audio output for connecting to, e.g., a mi-
crophone input on the mixing console.
11 AUDIO OUT/UNBALANCED: Unbalanced audio output on a 1/4" TS jack for connecting
to, e.g., a guitar amplifier.
12 Strain relief for the feeder cable of the supplied AC adapter.
13 DC ONLY: Input connector for the supplied AC adapter.
14 SQUELCH: The squelch circuit switches the receiver off if the received signal is too
weak, in order to suppress the related noise or the residual noise of the receiver while
the transmitter is off. Set the SQUELCH control to minimum before first switching the re-
ceiver on.
11 12
14 13
BDA SR 40 FLEXX_2008_Hex:Layout 1 01/21/2008 10:32 Seite 15 (Schwarz/Black Auszug)