2. Install the WLA-9000AP
Network Protocol window, select Microsoft in the Manufacturers area.
Step 5. In the Network Protocols area of the same window, select TCP/IP, then click OK.
You may need your Win95/98 CD to complete the installation. After TCP/IP
installation is complete, go back to the Network window described in Step 4.
Step 6. Select TCP/IP in the list of Network Components.
Step 7. Click Properties, and check the settings in each of the TCP/IP Properties window.
Manually change the IP address of the PC to become and Subnet
mask as
Step 8. With the WLA-9000AP powered on, reboot the PC/wireless client. After the
PC/wireless client is re-booted, you should be ready to configure the WLA-9000AP.
See Chapter 3.
The procedure required to set a static IP address is not too much different from the
procedure required to set to “obtain IP addresses dynamically” - except that at the end of
step 7, instead of selecting “obtain IP addresses dynamically, you should specify the IP
address explicitly.
AirLive WLA-9000AP User’s Manual