Something not working?
If during the spin cycle the machine makes an unusual
whistling noise (different from the noise made by tradi-
tional washing machines) this is due to a new type of
If water is not visible in the drum, it is due to
the modern technology of new washing
machines which use less water than traditional
If a problem arises, you can try to solve it yourself following the
instructions below. If you call out an engineer when one of the follow-
ing problems arise, or to repair a fault due to incorrect use, the call-out
will be charged even if requested within the guarantee period.
The machine does not work
Possible cause
The machine does not fill
The water tap is closed. Open the water tap.
The water inlet hose is Check the whole length of the
squashed or kinked. hose and remove the kink.
The small filter of the Clean the filter.
water inlet hose is clogged.
The door is not properly Close the door.
The machine fills then
empties immediately
The end of the drain hose Place the hose at the right
is too low. height (see Installation
The plug is not connected. Insert the plug.
The main electrical fuse Replace the fuse.
has blown.
The door is not properly Close the door; the click
closed. of the lock should be heard.
The ON/OFF button has Press the button.
not been pressed.
The programme selector dial Set the selector dial to the
has not been set correctly. chosen programme.