Preparing the washing cycle
Washing powders and conditioners
Which washing powder and conditioner?
Only use washing powders and fabric softeners suitable for washing
machine use. As a general rule follow the instructions of the producers.
How much washing powder and fabric softener?
The amount to be used depends on
• the load:
If the washing powder producer does not make any specifications for
small loads, use a third less for half loads, and for very small loads only
use half of the amount of washing powder recommended for a full
• the degree of soiling of the washing:
For only slightly soiled washing use less washing powder. Follow the
instructions of the washing powder producer and load.
• on the degree of hardness of the tap water:
The harder the water, the higher the dosage! You will find the quanti-
ties to use according to water hardness on the washing powder pack-
Liquid detergent
Add liquid detergent using the measuring cup provided by the deter-
gent industry. Please follow the instructions on the package.
Using a water softener
For a medium to high degree of water hardness (from water hardness
area II) water softener should be used. Follow the manufacturers
instructions! Then always dose detergent for hardness area I (= soft).
You can find information about the local degree of water hardness
from your water utility.
Specifications of water hardness
Water hardness
Water hardness in °dH
(degrees of German hardness)
Water hardness in mmol/l
(Millimol per litre)
I soft 0 - 7 up to 1.3
II medium hard 7 - 14 1.3 - 2.5
III hard 14 - 21 2.5 - 3.8
IV very hard above 21 above 3.8