Energy consumption in kWh per year, based on 220
standard washing cycles for cotton programmes at 60 °C
and 40 °C at full and partial load, and the consumption of
the low-power modes. Actual energy consumption will
depend on how the appliance is used.
Energy consumption of the standard 60°C cotton pro-
gramme at full load in kWh
Energy consumption of the standard 60°C cotton pro-
gramme at partial load in kWh
Energy consumption of the standard 40°C cotton pro-
gramme at partial load kWh
Power consumption of the off-mode in W 0,3
Power consumption in left-on mode in W 0,3
Water consumption in litres per year, based on 220 stand-
ard washing cycles for cotton programmes at 60 °C and
40 °C at full and partial load. Actual water consumption
will depend on how the appliance is used.
Spin-drying efficiency class on a scale from G (least effi-
cient) to A (most efficient)
Maximum spin speed in rpm 1551
Remaining moisture content in % 44
The 'standard 60 °C cotton programme' and the 'stand-
ard 40 °C cotton programme' are the standard washing
programmes to which the information in the label and the
fiche relates, these programmes are suitable to clean nor-
mally soiled cotton laundry and they are the most effi-
cient in terms of combined energy and water consump-
Programme time of the standard 60°C cotton programme
at full load in minutes
Programme time of the standard 60°C cotton programme
at partial load in minutes
Programme time of the "standard 40°C cotton pro-
gramme at partial load in minutes
Duration of the left on mode in minutes 5
Airborne acoustical noise emission in db(A) washing 50
Airborne acoustical noise emission in db(A) spinning 75
Built in appliance Y/N No
The information given in the chart above is compliant with the EU Commission regulation
1015/2010 implementing directive 2009/125/EC .