IWL3000 series 16
© ads-tec GmbH • Raiffeisenstr.14 • 70771 Leinfelden-Echterdingen
5.2 Operational LED status indicators
5.2.1 Behaviour of the status indicators during the boot-up process
The boot-up process starts as soon as the Access Point is supplied with a power source. With the help
of the PWR LED, it is possible to check whether the Access Point boots. The PWR LED should
illuminate green and flash slowly.
5.2.2 Behaviour of the status indicators when resetting to default settings
Using the Factory Default pushbutton, it is possible to reset the firewall back to the default factory
settings at any time, independent of its configuration.
To reset the Access Point to the default settings, the Factory Default pushbutton must be pressed prior
to the boot-up process and held down for approx. 10 seconds during the boot-up process. The PWR
LED flashes rapidly while resetting to factory settings. As soon as the PWR LED illuminates constantly,
it is possible to access the web interface.
5.2.3 Behaviour of the status indicators during a firmware update
A firmware update can be performed via the web interface. The actual update process may require a
few minutes.